Evolution is a Fact and a Theory
by Laurence Moran
The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin
The Age of the Earth by Chris Stassen
What, if anything, is a Mitochondrial Eve? by Krishna Kunchithapadam
The Mitochondrial Eve is NOT our common ancestor, or even common genetic ancestor. She is the most-recent common ancestor of all humans alive on Earth today with respect to matrilineal descent. That may seem like a mouthful, but without even a single one of those qualifying phrases, any description or discussion of the ME reduces to a lot of nonsense.
Fossil Hominids: mitochondrial DNA
Revisit The Mungo Man challenge
Dawn of Man Video Set
The foundation of all mental illness is the unwillingness to experience legitimate suffering. – Carl Jung
The ultimate result of shielding man from the effects of folly is to people the world with fools. – Herbert Spencer
Definition for Life :
"A network of inferior negative feedbacks subordinated to a superior positive feedback." In other words, it's a system that tries to regulate itself to preserve its identity. – Bernard Korzeniewski
"He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice." – Albert Einstein
PAGAN literally means one who is from the country or the hills. PAGAN does NOT mean EVIL.
Prayer is Speaking to Oneself
Meditation is Listening to Oneself.
Self Empowerment Learning Fraternity Find out about us and Self Development Nubian School The Nubian School: Trinidad & Tobago How Com You Com A look at our history through biology and space. Race and History Collection of resources for exploring ancient people of the world. Particular focus on the African diaspora. Africa Speaks African discussions Rasta Times Ayinde's Views Rootswomen Selective Views on Women's perspective Tracey Parkes Art and Revelation Rootsie European perspective US Crusade A critical collection of articles and news on 9/11. Trinicenter General news and views. Trini Soca Search engines, news resources.
Trini View Developing the profile of Trinidad and Tobago Trinbago Pan Developing Steelpan and Calypso. Trinidad and Tobago News All Trinidad and Tobago news and resources
Stephen Rwangyezi Speaks
September 05, 2008 : by Ras Tyehimba
The Ugandan cultural group Ndere recently completed a very successful tour to Trinidad and Tobago as part of this country's Emancipation celebrations. The troupe was founded by Stephen Rwangyezi in 1984. In this interview, Stephen Rwangyezi shares his perspectives on a range of issues, including African/Ugandan culture, the contribution of the African ethos to world civilization, the debilitating effects of Slavery and Colonialism, and his visit to Trinidad and Tobago.
BBC - Namibia - Genocide and the Second Reich "Thirty years before Hitler came to power in Germany, and about forty years before Raphael Lemkin authored the word genocide, there had already been one at the hands of Germany. This genocide happened outside of Europe though. This genocide took place in AFRIKA!"
Dialogue: The Global Food Crisis April 16, 2008
The Great African Scandal 2007 (Video)
Dealing with Colourism:
A Step Towards the African Revolution
October 05, 2006 - by Leslie
Skin tone more important than educational background for African Americans seeking jobs
August 16, 2006 - University of Georgia
The Color Divide
August 11, 06 - By Julie Masiga
Fundamental Conscious Change
December 16, 2005 - Reasoning with Ayinde
The wealth of the west was built on Africa's exploitation
August 20, 2005 - by Richard Drayton
Garvey's Legacy in Context:
Colourism, Black Movements and African Nationalism
August 17, 2005 - by Ayanna Gillian
War by other means
May 10, 2005 - by Stephen Gowans
Zimbabwe's Fight For Justice
May 06 2005 - by Gregory Elich
Sloppy Criticisms of Zimbabwe Elections
April 04, 2005 - by Ayinde
Wealth of a White Nation: Blacks Sink Deeper in Hole
October 22, 2004 - by Black Commentator
Original Glory not out of Greece
October 20, 2004 - by Dr. Kwame Nantambu
CARICOM-Haiti-U.S. Relations:
Afrocentric View October 21, 2004 - by Dr. Kwame Nantambu
The Historic Roots of Oligarchic Racism:
A Venezuelan View August 27, 2004 - by Franz J. T. Lee
The Nubian School Graduation Featured Address 2004
August 14, 2004 - by Ras Tyehimba
Root of Sudan's Darfur crisis and US concern
July 14, 2004 - by Ayinde
In The Valley Of The Mooks, The Dhoti and The Dashiki
July 09, 2004 - by Linda E. Edwards
Haiti After the Press Went Home
June 22, 2004 - by Lucson Pierre-Charles
Continue ...

How to succeed without effort "By the time the fool has learnt the rules of the game, the players have all gone home". - African Proverb
They cannot stop the dialogue!
Reasoning: Whites and Repatriation
Ras Adam Simeon, Ayinde, Ayanna, Rootsie and others
Real Origin Of Constitutional Rule By Dr. Kwame Nantambu
SUPPRESSING HISTORY By Dr. Kwaku Person-Lynn, Ph.D.
Islam and the Myth of Black African Slave Traders By Ayanna
Guinea's Other Suns: The African Dynamic in Trinidad Culture
by Maureen Warner-Lewis, Rex Nettleford
Rastafari: A Return to the Roots By Ras Tyehimba
Does Race Exist? by Michael J. Bamshad and Steve E. Olson
Martin Luther King in the American Psyche By Rootsie
An African Philosophy of History in the Oral Tradition by E. J. Alagoa
A Legacy Hidden in Plain Sight:
Iraqis of African Descent Are a Largely Overlooked Link to Slavery by Theola Labbé, Washington Post
Blacks in Nazi Germany by A. Tolbert, III
Suppression of Indigenous Sovereignty
in 20th Century United States by Ward Churchill
Why I Hate Thanksgiving:
First Genocide, Then Lie About It by Mitchel Cohen
The Fallacies of the Hippie Movement by Rootsie
Egyptian Kings, Governors and other Rulers
Race or Integrity First Ayinde, Bantu Kelani & others
AFRICA: THE TRUTH! by George Alleyne
Conversion In African Traditional Religions By Christopher I. Ejizu
Discussions: Race and History - 1997
Discussions about Race and History 1997-1999
E-mails, Radio Talk-Shows & Other - 1999-2000
Discussion on Reparations by Ayinde
Uncovering the Black German Holocaust
Review by Delroy Constantine-Simms
On Slavery By Femi Akomolafe. 1994
The 'Educated' Slave by Kwaku Person-Lynn, Ph.D.
Creation Of The Negro Compiled by Ayinde
I'm Not Afrikan, I'm Negro by Kwaku Person-Lynn, Ph.D.
Christianity, Islam and Slavery by Kwaku Person-Lynn, Ph.D.
Afrikan Involvement In Atlantic Slave Trade by Kwaku Person-Lynn, Ph.D.
The Re-evolution of Rastafari By Ras T. Salandy
Discussion on 'White' Ignorance and Arrogance by Ayinde - Rastafari Speaks
The Egyptian Great Year And Christianity by Corey Gilkes
How to control people - by Charley Reese
A Look at the Myth of Reverse Racism by Tim Wise
Sex across the Color Line by Tim Wise
Racism and the Culture of Denial by Tim Wise
How I Benefit From White Privilege by Laura Douglas
White Privilege Shapes The U.S. by Robert Jensen
Jews and the African World by John Henrik Clarke
The Vanishing Evidence of Classical
African Civilizations by Manu Ampim
Black Civilizations of Ancient America Paul Barton
The Descent of Man - by Stephen T. Abedon
European History Page by Dave
Rwandan Genocide: Crisis in Central Africa
History of Ancient Indian Conquest -1999
The First Chinese Were Black
Developing Woman 1996 - Dialogue
The African Diaspora 1998 - Dialogue
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